Feedback Thoughts

It is important to not take negative feedback to heart and focus work on improving yourself continuously throughout life in various factors whether that is at home, school, or in the workplace. 

(Feedback Image; Web Source: Pixabay)

The most productive feedback experiences I have had were from professors who I came into office hours for. The most negative were the first drafts or second drafts that were worth many points. I was so afraid of getting points off, so I was more worried about the grade and check marking the rubric rather than really determining if my paper was overall improving. The kind of feedback that helped me grow the most is feedback that I asked for. I was in orchestra throughout middle school and high school. In addition, I had private lessons. I was fine with her feedback because it was expected. Getting negative feedback when you do not expect can be hard. 

 I read Why It's So Hard to Hear Negative Feedback and while it was true that we need to hear negative feedback to improve, this article did not really help me gain any more information. I agree that we do tend to only want to listen to people that agree with us. I think it really depends on who is giving the feedback and whether it is unsolicited. I agree that we should trust everyone has good intentions with their advice. 

The other article I read was Seven Ways to Crush Self Doubt. This is an issue that I have pretty frequently. The first way was to not compare yourself. I understand that compare ourselves with others is bad, but this article did not give ways to avoid comparing yourself. Overall, the 7 ways to crush self-doubt are good ways, but the article did not give ways to get to those main points. 


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