Hawaii...my Favorite Place

Oahu, Hawaii. My family loves to travel. I, on the other hand, would rather be at home. With perfect weather and a beautiful scenery, how could someone not like Hawaii?

  (My Siblings and I in Oahu, Hawaii, Personal Image)

Although I did not know how to swim, I ended up surfing at the Pyramid Rock, read a good book, and took a nap on the beach. 

(The Pyramid Rock Found in Oahu, Hawaii, Web Source: Wikimedia: Pyramid Rock)

I am very afraid of airplanes, so I would not have minded being left in Hawaii. 

(Satellite View of Hawaii, Web Source: Wikipedia: Satellite Image)


  1. I was excited to see your post, Sana: I lived in Hawaii my freshman year of high school, and I thought it was one of the most fascinating places ever, so beautiful and so different from where I had lived before (Arizona! desert!). Maybe you will be interested in doing a Hawaii project for this class... there are so many great full-text books of Hawaiian mythology online! link: Hawaiian and Pacific Island mythology books


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