("Triplets;" Web Source: Flickr ) Bibliography: The Three Brothers in Stories from Congo by Richard Edward Dennett. Hi, I am Timmy. It all started when I was 16 years old. I began dating a beautiful and sweet girl, and her name was Maggie. We went to high school together, and it was fun until one day that it wasn't. We were dating for 6 months and were getting out of that honeymoon stage when she said that she wants me to marry her right now. We were 16, and I couldn't give her that. It didn't end there. She was very emotionally draining, so I broke off our relationship. A couple years later, I was in college, and there was Maggie. Rather than the usual "hello"'s or "it's been so long,"'s Maggie told me she had to tell me something. "I'm sorry if I was crazy in high school about getting married. I had your baby when we were in high school. They were triplets actually , but don't worry I don't have them anym...
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