Reading Notes: Adam and Eve, Part A
(Adam; Web Source: Wikimedia)
The Ideal Man was my favorite story. It is one that I am less familiar with. Adam was like twenty years old when God made him, not a baby. He was ginormous. He was perfect in dimensions too. Many other men had traits like him, but those caused them harm. For instance, Samson was so strong, and that killed him. Eve looked like an ape compared to Adam? That is kind of rude. God revealed to him the whole history of mankind while he wasn't even born. He chose to live less than a thousand years. His life was 930, and he gave only 70 to David because he only had a minute to live. God created all the animals and angels when Adam was 1 hour old. Adam because he was made of Adamah, dust. He handed down languages. Adam said which places would be settled by man and which would be waste.
God made Adam and Eve and said that they will rule over everything. He said that there would be multiple people. God rested on the 7th day. He put man in the garden of Eden. God said eat every tree but the knowledge tree. He did not want Adam to be alone. Adam fell asleep and he took his rib and made Eve out of it. They were naked, and it was fine.
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