Reading Notes: Folklore of the Holy Land, Reading B
("Muslims;" Web Source: WikiMedia
Folk-lore of the Holy Land: Moslem, Christian and Jewish by J.E. Hanauer
The story begins with Lot and the Tree of the Cross. Adam dies and his son Seth plants a branch which turns into a tree at Adam's grave. Lot's wife had an unfortunate event occur to her, so he was not in a good place, but God told him to water this plant which was the same one planted at Adam's grave. The devil tried countless amount of times to destroy this tree. He got a man to cut the tree down. This same tree served to create the wooden cross that Jesus was killed on.
Musa, his brother, and their two sons went on an expedition and found a couch that suggested the one that fits in it should sit in it. Harun, the brother fit perfectly and God essentially said that he was supposed to die. The angle of death had them leave, and then he was dead. Musa and the sons cleaned his body and notified others about the death. People accused Musa of killing his brother. The Angle of death said Musa's time had now come, but Musa was not willing to die. The angle tried to negotiate with him deals to plead him to just die. Musa was not about that. He did not want to die. The Angle of death was in disguise and gave Musa an apple. Musa died immediately. All those people were in disguise and were all actually angels. This story was the Death of Moses and Aaron.
I never understood what El Khudr was until this story. All three of the monotheistic religions believe that people could be cured here.
I've heard many stories about different prophets in Islam. I have also heard of names in the Bible, and I know that there are many correlations. Harun being Aaron. That is interesting to me.
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