
Showing posts from September, 2020

Week 6 Lab, Writers Write

  ("Writing;" Web Source: Flickr ) I chose to do the Writers Write option for my lab this week. I was interested in hearing some helpful tips on how to improve my writing. I am not a very creative writer, so  16 Ways to Unleash your Creativity sounded interesting. This article suggests that big alterations are not needed in order to be a more creative writer. For instance, even small activities such as relaxation can make you more creative. I do not draw, so that may be one area to explore. I have never been a good drawer. I do not keep a journal which is one thing that I would like to change. I am a physical therapy technician, and through my job, we learn the importance of stretching. I try to move frequently as well as listen to music. I like to move while listening to music (dance.) I hate hiking or camping, but I do love unplugging myself from the modern world in other ways such as by simply turning off my phone for the weekend. It is mentally very satisfying. Lately, t...

Reading Notes: Raja Rasal, Reading B

("Punjab Map;" Web Source: WikiMedia) This story called Raja Bhoj depicts an interesting story. Raja is wondering around at Raja Bhoj's. He discusses some of the worst things that could occur. I am fascinated by why these are considered the worst things especially when they refer to a girl who is mature but has no hair on her head. For some reason, these worst things were considered smart by the Raja Bhoj, so he was like let's talk some more. They went to Rani Sobhan. In here, they had some water, and all of a sudden a bunch of woman who were ready to attack them appeared. These women had swords, and said that anyone who touches the water from that area would have their ears and their hands cut off. Raja Rasalu told the women who he was. They were scared that Raja Rasalu would kill them, so they decided not to do so. However, he tried to plead with these women that they should not hurt others too. If I recreated this, I would try to alter this story by making it more ...

Reading Notes: Raja Rasalu, Section A

      ("Map of Punjab." Web Source:  WikiMedia)   One story I enjoyed was The King and His Two Queens. Raja, the king, had two wives. One had a son and the other did not. This story discusses a powerful theme which is envy as the queen who was without a son attempted to rid the son of the other wife. She was jealous of the wife, so she tried to kill the son. However, the son miraculously survives and answers people's prayers.  The wife initially does not recognize him and asks him for a prayer. She asked him for a son, and he promised her a son that would make her cry as much as his own mother cried because of this evil, envious woman. This becomes true. The second story that I enjoyed was How Raja Rasalu was Born. His parents were not allowed to look at their son for twelve years. However, he leaves on his twelfth year. He is naughty when he leaves, but the king cannot do anything because he cannot look at his son. Raja Rasalu doesn't understand ...

Week 5 Story: New Guy

("New Guy";  Web Source:  Wikimedia )  "Welcome to our team at Wendy's!" Ms. Boss Lady said.  Hi, I am Ada. I am super excited to work at Wendy's. I love eating hamburgers, so making them should be almost as fun, right? My first day started, and I had to make a yummy hamburger. I was really excited, and it seemed like a  chill job. I was hired with another person, Lilly. Being one of the new people and this being my first ever job, I had never had to take orders from people, but it made sense because they worked here longer than me.  On my 40th day of work, Ms. Boss Lady came up to me. I was really scared she was going to say that I was fired because I keep forgetting to put pickles on the burger.  "You are now Ms Vice-Ms. Boss Lady." said Ms. Boss Lady.  All of a sudden all of my co-workers who have been working at Wendy's for like 5-6 years started taking orders from me, the Ms. I don't know even how to put pickles on a burger. Most peopl...

Reading Notes: Folklore of the Holy Land Moslem, Christian, and Jewish, Reading A

  ("Muslims;" Web Source:  WikiMedia )  Folk-lore of the Holy Land: Moslem, Christian and Jewish by J.E. Hanauer  The first story that intrigued me was Moslem Cosmogony and Our Father Adam. I read about many of these topics in Sunday school as a child, but many of the discussions such as how they had a bunch of kids from devils were not discussed. The Tablet of Destiny is one that I had heard a lot about. I fount interesting that it was made from a white pearl. God created a huge pen that started to write everything that happened til the day of judgement. God then created water. The pearl was next created. He created the clouds. God created his throne, but this is actually a debated topic. Some people believe that it could have been made before then.  Different people came from different types fo soil and potentially dust. I always learned that we were made of clay in Sunday school, so that was interesting to me. Adam was dead for like 40 years, but the angels w...

Reading Notes: Folklore of the Holy Land, Reading B

("Muslims;" Web Source:  WikiMedia Folk-lore of the Holy Land: Moslem, Christian and Jewish by J.E. Hanauer The story begins with Lot and the Tree of the Cross. Adam dies and his son Seth plants a branch which turns into a tree at Adam's grave.  Lot's wife had an unfortunate event occur to her, so he was not in a good place, but God told him to water this plant which was the same one planted at Adam's grave. The devil tried countless amount of times to destroy this tree. He got a man to cut the tree down. This same tree served to create the wooden cross that Jesus was killed on.  Musa, his brother, and their two sons went on an expedition and found a couch that suggested the one that fits in it should sit in it. Harun, the brother fit perfectly and God essentially said that he was supposed to die. The angle of death had them leave, and then he was dead. Musa and the sons cleaned his body and notified others about the death. People accused Musa of killing his brot...

Storybook Plan

 I really am interested in creating a storybook on Raja Rasalu from Flora Annie Steel's  Tales of the Punjab.  I will be utilizing the stories from Raja Rasalu. I will try to connect the stories in a unique way. The stories I would want to add are The King and His Two Queens. Raja, How Raja Rasalu was Born, How Raja Rasalu Killed the Giants, and How He Played Chaupur with King Sarkap. I want to look into more cultural aspects of this story such as how the mother in How Raja Rasalu was Born was so desperate for a son. This is a big issue in South Asia where so many mothers emphasize how great it is to have a son rather than a daughter. I am not certain exactly what my message/experience I would want to give. I would want it to be informative about cultural aspects and the story but also just an interesting read. I try to be humorous, so I would try to be a little funny if possible. I would try to tell the story from the mother's perspective on how naughty her son is, but s...

Review, Week 4

The video I watched was Gurdeep  Pandher of Yukon's dance video. I had never heard of this Punjabi song before. I love the cross-cultural dance. I love to teach my non-Pakistani friends how to do different Bollywood dances. In fact, at my brother's wedding, all of my friends did a Bollywood choreographed dance, and they all know that there will be a part 2 at my own wedding.   One of the best graphics would be the punctuation one depicted below because it depicts how crucial punctuation can be. The meaning drastically changes with it.  (Punctuation Effect; Web Source:  Blogspot ) 

Week 4 Lab

 (Story; Web Source:  Pixabay )  As a child, I thought stories had to be unfamiliar as well to be interesting. My favorite stories were ones that I could not relate to, and I think that a big part of that was out of curiosity of something different. I remember seeing a book about a hijabi girl, and I remember picking up the book when I was young. However, I remember it bored me to hear my story, but I understand the significance of showing that story. If not, then there is many depictions of Muslim people in the news who show Muslims as dangerous people. Unfortunately, there are not enough Muslim stories. I never really identified with being a Muslim or Pakistani when I was younger. I did not even realize that was a part of my identity. The first time I realized was when some kids were making fun of me for not knowing what a baptism was. As an adult and understanding the negative portrayal and harsh depiction of Muslims in the media, I consciously tell people that I am Mu...

Reading Notes: Adam and Eve, Part B

 (Adam and Eve; Web Source :  Wikimedia )  Adam and Eve were in the cave and prayed together. Adam died, and Eve was very upset and prayed for him to be brought back to life. She prayed that if God did not bring him back to life, then to make her die too. She said she could only be alive because of him. Adam was put to sleep, and she was made from him. God gave them comfort because he saw they were really sad. God was like if only you two did not eat that apple, but I guess the devil made you do it because he made it seem pleasant. God was like I made you, so I never wanted to destroy you.  They both lived, but now needed water. God made a deal with Adam that he could come back to the garden. Adam did not want to drink the water. They were sad because it was not dark, and before there was no night or day in heaven. Adam beat himself up; he was upset. He looked like a corpse. Eve was silent, so God made her speak.  God was like yo, I made it bright when you were ...

Reading Notes: Adam and Eve, Part A

(Adam; Web Source:  Wikimedia ) The Ideal Man was my favorite story. It is one that I am less familiar with. Adam was like twenty years old when God made him, not a baby. He was ginormous. He was perfect in dimensions too. Many other men had traits like him, but those caused them harm. For instance, Samson was so strong, and that killed him. Eve looked like an ape compared to Adam? That is kind of rude. God revealed to him the whole history of mankind while he wasn't even born. He chose to live less than a thousand years. His life was 930, and he gave only 70 to David because he only had a minute to live. God created all the animals and angels when Adam was 1 hour old. Adam because he was made of Adamah, dust. He handed down languages. Adam said which places would be settled by man and which would be waste.  The Ideal Man by Laura Gibbs God made Adam and Eve and said that they will rule over everything. He said that there would be multiple people. God rested on the 7th day. He...

Feedback Strategies

   ("Feedback;" Web Source: Pixabay )  I read How to Give Bad Feedback Without Being a Jerk by Adam Grant.  I use the sandwich technique typically, and I thought that was the best method. It makes sense that people focus less on the positives and more on the negatives that you give. I didn't realize that the positives do not sound sincere. If you also just put the negatives in the middle, these may not even be read due to the primacy and recency effect. Grant suggests we need to explain why you are giving feedback on a certain area, take yourself off the pedestal, don't give unsolicited feedback, and be transparent. Honestly, I think that I do all of these when I give feedback. I typically give feedback to my friends on essays especially for applications. I don't give feedback unless someone wants it. I let people know that I am not the best person to ask. I try to explain precisely and transparently why I don't like something in the essay. I think it also h...

Topic Research: Raja Rasalu

  ("Bow and Arrow;" Web Source:  Pixabay )    I really am interested in creating a storybook on Raja Rasalu from Flora Annie Steel's Tales of the Punjab.  The first story that really stood out to me is The King and His Two Queens. Raja, the king, had two wives. One had a son and the other did not. This story discusses envy as the one without a son attempted to rid the son of the other wife. He survives and answers people's prayers. The wife asked him for a son, and he promised her a son that would make her cry as much as his own mother cried because of this woman.  The second story that I enjoyed was How Raja Rasalu was Born. His parents were not allowed to look at their son for twelve years. However, he leaves on his twelfth year. He is naughty, but the king cannot do anything because he cannot look at his son. Raja Rasalu doesn't understand why his parents turn their backs on him.  The last story I enjoyed and think would go along the other two is ho...

Week 3 Story, Bad Friends

"Bad Friends"; Web Source:  WikiMedia There was a very handsome man who was married to a rich woman, Joacima. His family was not very religious, but Joacima's family was. Joacima was very patient and generous. She had a very spacious home. It was so large that there was even a large garden outside. The garden was a popular meeting place in town. Many people would come over and hang out at the garden. At night, the handsome man loved to take baths. The women who would come over to their home and hang out at their garden thought this guy was hot. He had big biceps and a six-pack (not the soda kind.) He was handsome, and all the girls wanted him. He was married though, so these girls knew they had to keep their distance especially since he was married to a prominent religious woman. There were two girls that were even more particularly invested in the man. These girls were Joacima's best friends. They would hang out all the time with Joacima. Some days they would bake to...

Reading Notes: Bible Women, Reading B

("Susanna and the Elders"; Web Source:  Wikimedia ) Bible Women  by Laura Gibbs but taken from King James Bible  I am not familiar with Susanna's story, so this one intrigued me. After learning the content of this story, I  understood why I did not know this story because it involved a lot more sexual content. The story introduces Susanna, a beautiful girl, who was married to Joacim. Susanna and her family were very religious. Joacim was really wealthy and had a cool garden where people hung out at. Some of the guys hanging out at the garden had a crush on the wife. They even tried not looking at Susanna because she was hot. They liked looking at her but tried hiding their feelings. They were like let's go eat dinner and both were lying just because they both wanted to see her alone, like they were obsessed with her. She showered, and they watched. They snuck into the shower and confessed and blackmailed her. She decided to take the blackmail and maintain her integri...

Reading Notes: Bible Women, Reading A

My two favorite stories were Eve and Sarah. This was found in Bible Women by  Laura Gibbs  and original text from rom King James Bible.  (Adam and Eve; Web Source:  Wikimedia ) Eve:  God ordered Adam to not eat from the tree of knowledge.  God said to eat from every other tree. God gave him animals, and he named them. What names? I could add some here. Adam fell asleep, and he took out part of his ribs and made him Eve. How does he know what a father and women were already? They were naked, and it was fine. The serpent wanted Eve to disobey God's orders to not eat from the tree and was saying that she could get knowledge if she ate from it. She ate the fruit, and gave Adam it too. They made themselves aprons because they were ashamed and aware of being naked now. I could talk more about consequences here as well. God got mad, and Eve said serpent made me do it. God was like you are cursed because he said that Eve would bring children when they are sad and m...

Feedback Thoughts

It is important to not take negative feedback to heart and focus work on improving yourself continuously throughout life in various factors whether that is at home, school, or in the workplace.  (Feedback Image; Web Source:  Pixabay ) The most productive feedback experiences I have had were from professors who I came into office hours for. The most negative were the first drafts or second drafts that were worth many points. I was so afraid of getting points off, so I was more worried about the grade and check marking the rubric rather than really determining if my paper was overall improving. The kind of feedback that helped me grow the most is feedback that I asked for. I was in orchestra throughout middle school and high school. In addition, I had private lessons. I was fine with her feedback because it was expected. Getting negative feedback when you do not expect can be hard.   I read  Why It's So Hard to Hear Negative Feedback  and while it was true th...

Topic Brainstorm

Map of South Asia; Web Source:  Wikimedia One topic I am interested in is Pakistani/Indian Folklore. I read  Love Like Salt , and I liked it a lot. It was very interesting to hear the story from the perspective of the king and the perspective of the daughter from different countries.  I am interested in this topic because I am Punjabi/Kashmiri. I understand the history of the region. My family lived in present day India before the partition. I am very familiar with the culture.    I would want to switch up the characters for this story. I am interested in incorporating the stories of  Raja Rasalu .  The story behind his birth is very intriguing as well as the jealous maidens test for him.   I am also interested in  Indian Nights Entertainment  for the same reason that it is an Indian story. I am interested in the romantic tales because my parents are very traditional. They met for the first time on their wedding day. ...

Comment Wall

  Hello! Welcome to my comment wall! Let me know what you think!  Mythology and Folklore Website South Asian Map; Web Source:  WikiMedia