Week 6 Lab, Writers Write

("Writing;" Web Source: Flickr ) I chose to do the Writers Write option for my lab this week. I was interested in hearing some helpful tips on how to improve my writing. I am not a very creative writer, so 16 Ways to Unleash your Creativity sounded interesting. This article suggests that big alterations are not needed in order to be a more creative writer. For instance, even small activities such as relaxation can make you more creative. I do not draw, so that may be one area to explore. I have never been a good drawer. I do not keep a journal which is one thing that I would like to change. I am a physical therapy technician, and through my job, we learn the importance of stretching. I try to move frequently as well as listen to music. I like to move while listening to music (dance.) I hate hiking or camping, but I do love unplugging myself from the modern world in other ways such as by simply turning off my phone for the weekend. It is mentally very satisfying. Lately, t...